
  • 2023-2024 Permission Forms
    2023-2024 Permission Forms

    Please visit the Permissions Portal to complete the 2023-2024 Permission Forms.

    School Climate Survey Change for 2023-24
    Parent/guardian permission is required for participation in the School Climate Survey. Failure to provide permission will result in your student not being able to participate in this program.

  • MNPS Virtual School Monitoring Report
    MNPS Virtual School Monitoring Report

    Each year, school districts across Tennessee monitor the instructional, financial, and operational practices within their virtual schools using a state-defined series of common practices and requirements. This report reflects the school district’s designation of the virtual school’s academic, operational, and financial viability.

    MNPS Virtual School Monitoring Report

  • Vital Services & Enriching Connections
    Vital Services & Enriching Connections

    Metro Schools offers a wide range of programs and services to ensure Nashville’s students and families are fully supported, in and out of the classroom. Learn more about vital services and enriching connections of MNPS.

  • Parent/Guardian Account Request
    Parent/Guardian Account Request

    Submit a Parent/Guardian Account Request to access Campus Portal and a Parent Schoology account. Campus Portal allows families on-demand access to official grades, attendance, assessment data, such as Universal Screeners, TCAP, EOC, and WIDA ACCESS scores, and a record of behavioral incidents. A Parent Schoology account allows access to monitor your student's current academic progress in their courses.

  • School-Parent Compact
    School-Parent Compact

    Parents play a critical role in the success of students as well as MNPS Virtual School. Virtual School is committed to a proactive approach toward family and community engagement, with our goal being to realize our school mission, vision, commitments, and achievement goals as listed in our School-Parent Compact.

  • Campus Portal
    Campus Portal

    In Campus Portal, formerly the Family Portal, families and students can view grades, test scores, attendance information, and discipline incidents.