
MNPS Virtual School offers a high school program for grades nine through twelve. In addition to the core content required for graduation, our school offers Honors, Advanced Placement, Dual Credit, and Dual Enrollment options. Full-time students can also enroll in The Virtual Academy of Business and Technology. Further, MNPS Virtual School partners with Nashville State Community College (NSCC) for Dual Enrollment course options.

Graduation Requirements

  • Course Requirements: Students must earn the correct number of credits to meet both Tennessee Department of Education and MNPS requirements, totaling 22 credits, including a focused pathway. MNPS Virtual School 4 Year Plan & Course Requirements
  • ACT Requirement: Prior to graduation, all Tennessee students must take a national assessment (either the ACT or SAT). This is mandated by Tennessee Code Annotated (i.e., state law). Every MNPS student has the opportunity to take the ACT, at no cost, during the Spring semester of their junior year at MNPS Virtual School. Students may retake the ACT at no cost in the Fall semester of their senior year.
  • Citizenship Exam Requirement: Prior to graduation, all Tennessee students must successfully pass a Citizenship Exam, administered online via Schoology. This is mandated by Tennessee Code Annotated (i.e., state law). Students should review the US Citizenship Study Guide to prepare for the Citizenship Exam.

Focused Pathways

MNPS Virtual School offers several focused pathways for full-time students graduating from our school.

  • The Virtual Academy of Business and Technology offers a focused area of study in Business or Web Design.
  • Students can complete three Advanced Placement (AP), Dual Enrollment (DE), or Dual Credit (DC) courses to satisfy the Advanced Academics focused area of study for high school graduation purposes. Review the Advanced Academics options offered at MNPS Virtual School. Contact Mrs. Bauman for information on your Advanced Academics options.
  • Important Senior Information
    Important Senior Information
    Senior year fills students with excitement about graduation, as well as enthusiasm, and sometimes anxiety, about entering the next phase of their lives. The important information for seniors can help guide students, and the important adults in their lives, through the planning process for graduating from high school, entering post-secondary education or training, enlisting in military service, or joining the workforce. For inquiries, please contact your School Counselor, Mrs. Bauman.
  • Course Catalog
    Course Catalog
    MNPS Virtual School offers all core courses required to graduate high school consistent with Tennessee’s Diploma Project, as listed in the Course Catalog.